This page contains some useful insight and information to assist in your viewing experience of the website. is optimised for viewing using the 'Monzilla Firefox' browser
the layout of some pages may differ depending on the browser or device which you are using
applicable wording may be translated by using the 'google translate' drop down box located directly under the header picture and at the top of your screen
when an image of a page appears on a help page selecting it will take you directly to that page
We welcome your thoughts, feedback and ideas.
Please communicate with us by using the contact form
Please enjoy, be inspired and in turn inspire others by creating your own listing.
The contact form is designed to be multi purpose. Please use it for all your communication with
to begin, use the drop down box at the end of the first line to select the relative topic
the listing name is not a compolusary field, however whenever appropiate please include it
enter your name
then your email address
your message should be typed in this box
For longer messages, or alternatively should you wish, you may upload a document using the option at the bottom of the form.
next, the captua code shown in the white box must be entered in order to verify that you are a legimate user
Please note thatyour message can not be sent without this field being completed.
start date and end date are used primarily for advising us of events -please use whenever appropiate
the upload file option is used to send additional data
such as photographs
when you are satisfied with the content select the send contact form button
Once the send button is activated you will either be prompted to complete any compulsory fields or redirected to the thank you page to signify that your message has been sent.
To open the contact form now select its image shown on this page.
As always we welcome your communication.
These pages are designed to showcase or business or orginisation
You may browse the listings without having to create a profile or having to login.
Please read our legal section for further information relevant to your individual rights and responsibilities.
Step by step instructions on how to register and create a listing are located further down this page
the menu has the default tabs listings , categories , map and membership
to narrow your selection options choose categories then select from the list
Please note that a listing may appear in more than one category
the map feature gives you an alternative method from which to choose a listing as there are controls to allow you move, reduce and enlarge your area of view
as previously outlined membership is where you register to create a new listing or login to amend and update an existing listing
there is a search bar where you may type a keyword then either press the enter key or select the icon to generate your search
the sort by tabs can be used to further filter and to sort the listings
use the arrow at the end of each tab to reverse the sort order
to view all listings sorted by country and with the relevant countries flag at the beginning - select the tabs listings then country
Select an individual listing to view its content
below the listing name are any images which have been uploaded
select an image to view a larger version
next are any links to social media profiles, listings or an associated website
these are followed by any physical address
a location map may show if this option was selected when the listing was created
lastly any other chosen content is shown
How to register and create a listing
Once registered there is no restriction on the number of listings you can create, however there should only be one listing per garden and we do request that you conscientiously complete and keep any information up to date.
to begin select membership and complete all four fields
press the register button
if the registration process is not successful you will be prompted to fix the error(s)
when successful an acknowledgement message will appear above the email field
You will also receive an email message from detailing your registration details. Please check your spam folder if this message does not appear to have been received.
login using your registered email and password
your dashboard will show a summary of your listings
to view the details of an existing listing select its image
listings is where you can add a new one or amend an existing one
select the + add listing
the listing ID is unique and can not be used more than once
For easy identification we suggest that you change the listing ID to a shortened version of your listing name
select save
within the details section add your listing name and any further information you wish
please tick at least one of the categories which best describes your listing
photographs and images may be uploaded according to your chosen plan
please resrtict landscape orientated images to a maximum width of 1000px
portrait orientated images shoild be no more than of 750px high
complete the country and town / city fields of your address
if you selected yes for the show on map option then use the get coordinates from google maps API button to populate the latitude and longitude fields
save your listing
contact information
the top box is not currently in use
use the second box to link to another listing or social media account as follows
copy all the data (in red) between < > from the relative line below
paste this into the box labeled link(s)
<a href="URL"><img src="g3i.jpg"></a> listing
<a href="URL"target="_blank"><img src="facebook.jpg"></a> facebook
<a href="URL"target="_blank"><img src="instagram.jpg"></a> instagram
<a href="URL"target="_blank"><img src="linkedin.jpg"></a> linkedin
<a href="URL"target="_blank"><img src="pinterest.jpg"></a> pinterest
<a href="URL"target="_blank"><img src="twitter.jpg"></a> twitter
<a href="URL"target="_blank"><img src="youtube.jpg"></a> youtube
navigate to the page you wish to link to and copy its URL (web address)
replace the letters URL in the box with the URL which you just copied from the relative webpage
save your work and any links will now appear in your listing
Should you have any difficulity with creating a link please just email it to us using the contact form and we will willingly complete this for you.
next if you have a website then enter its URL
your contact email address may be entered if you wish
the SEO fields may be left empty unless you are familiar with meta data
before exiting pressing save again is prudent in order to prevent losing anything you have entered
To go directly to the directories pages and view your completed listing select the page image above.
Firstly you will see a selection of quick links
under these use the all categories drop down box to make a selection
the three buttons allow you to change the way the information is displayed
The date is shown in a smaller size if there are no entries for that day
hover over a date to view a shortlist of applicable entries
select a date and a detailed list will be appear
Each listing follows a similar format
on the right hand side there is a x which can be used to hide that particular listing
below the date and title is the region
if a full adress is listed you may select it to view a location map
in some instances a description may show
next there will either be a website address or a banner
select whichever appears and you will be redirected to the website
Shown next is the current time in various cities around the world
To enqire about listing an event(s) please use the contact form
To go directly to the events page select its image on this page
View and be inspired by the photographs in the galleries, however please note that where indicated they are copyright and may not be reproduced without written permission.
For translation purposes a list of the galleries first appears above the larger image links
select the title for the gallery you wish to view
your selection will open in a new page
in some galleries (e.g. castles and conservatories) the photographs are labelled
select any photograph shown within a circle and it will enlarge
where a selection of arrows appears they can be used to navigate through the pages
please note that the featured gallery may differ in its appearance
To go directly to the galleries page select its image on this page.
Should you have a suggestion for a new gallery or wish to feature your own garden then
please use the contact form to send us a message.
As always we welcome your communication.
These pages are where you can showcase your garden
You may browse the listings without having to create a profile or having to login.
Please read our legal section for further information relevant to your individual rights and responsibilities.
Step by step instructions on how to register and create a listing are located further down this page
the menu has the default tabs listings , categories , map and membership
to narrow your selection options choose categories then select from the list
Please note that a listing may appear in more than one category
the map feature gives you an alternative method from which to choose a listing as there are controls to allow you move, reduce and enlarge your area of view
as previously outlined membership is where you register to create a new listing or login to amend and update an existing listing
there is a search bar where you may type a keyword then either press the enter key or select the icon to generate your search
the sort by tabs can be used to further filter and to sort the listings
use the arrow at the end of each tab to reverse the sort order
to view all listings sorted by country and with the relevant countries flag at the beginning - select the tabs listings then country
Select an individual listing to view its content
below the listing name are any images which have been uploaded
select an image to view a larger version
next are any links to social media profiles, listings or an associated website
these are followed by any physical address
a location map may show if this option was selected when the listing was created
lastly any other chosen content is shown
How to register and create a listing
Once registered there is no restriction on the number of listings you can create, however there should only be one listing per garden and we do request that you conscientiously complete and keep any information up to date.
to begin select membership and complete all four fields
press the register button
if the registration process is not successful you will be prompted to fix the error(s)
when successful an acknowledgement message will appear above the email field
You will also receive an email message from detailing your registration details. Please check your spam folder if this message does not appear to have been received.
login using your registered email and password
your dashboard will show a summary of your listings
to view the details of an existing listing select its image
listings is where you can add a new one or amend an existing one
select the + add listing
the listing ID is unique and can not be used more than once
For easy identification we suggest that you change the listing ID to a shortened version of your listing name
select save
within the details section add your listing name and any further information you wish
please tick at least one of the categories which best describes your listing
photographs and images may be uploaded according to your chosen plan
please resrtict landscape orientated images to a maximum width of 1000px
portrait orientated images shoild be no more than of 750px high
complete the country and town / city fields of your address
if you selected yes for the show on map option then use the get coordinates from google maps API button to populate the latitude and longitude fields
save your listing
contact information
the top box is not currently in use
use the second box to link to another listing or social media account as follows
copy all the data (in red) between < > from the relative line below
paste this into the box labeled link(s)
<a href="URL"><img src="g3i.jpg"></a> listing
<a href="URL"target="_blank"><img src="facebook.jpg"></a> facebook
<a href="URL"target="_blank"><img src="instagram.jpg"></a> instagram
<a href="URL"target="_blank"><img src="linkedin.jpg"></a> linkedin
<a href="URL"target="_blank"><img src="pinterest.jpg"></a> pinterest
<a href="URL"target="_blank"><img src="twitter.jpg"></a> twitter
<a href="URL"target="_blank"><img src="youtube.jpg"></a> youtube
navigate to the page you wish to link to and copy its URL (web address)
replace the letters URL in the box with the URL which you just copied from the relative webpage
save your work and any links will now appear in your listing
Should you have any difficulity with creating a link please just email it to us using the contact form and we will willingly complete this for you.
next if you have a website then enter its URL
your contact email address may be entered if you wish
the SEO fields may be left empty unless you are familiar with meta data
before exiting pressing save again is prudent in order to prevent losing anything you have entered
To go directly to the gardens pages and view your completed listing select the page image above.
The networking pages comprise of three sections, chat, blog and forum listings , plus our our regularly changing poll
the chat facility is currently under development
our aim is to add this exciting feature in the near future, so please check back regularly for updates
meantime we invite you to vote in our current poll
You are welcome to browse and explore the listings however you will first need to register if you wish to create your own or make a comment
the menu bar options are listings, categories, register and login
the listings page is the default page and from here you can scroll through all the posts
narrow your selection by using categories
selecting a category tab at any timewill take you to the associated listings
Listings within a category are shown next to the tab. You may select a name to go directly to its listing.
the search option can be used to locate specific content
below the menu bar are options for sorting the content
Select a forum name to view its content
directly below the flag of the listings country selecting the image will redirect you to any relative website
select reply if you wish to leave a comment
if you have not already done so you will need to register
and then login to be able to use this function
how to register and post a reply
after selecting register complete the fields as appropiate
please take the time to upload an avatar picture (maximum size 100 x 100px)
complete the captcha field in order to verify you are a legimitate user
select the register button
you will be prompted to fix any errors before being able to continue
If your registration was successful form fields will show as being blank.
An email will of been sent from to your registration address
please confirm your account by selecting the link
review the details and press confirm
any incorrect details may be changed after you login
Should you have any difficulties please send us a message by using the contact form and we will happily assist
Our regularly changing polls are intended to be both informative and interesting.
Please enjoy and YES we welcome your suggestions for future poll questions.
The networking pages provide links to a wide range of content.
You can go directly to the networking page by selecting any image above
Videos are uploaded to and played via 'youtube'
Opon opening the videos page you will see a map of the world. Our apologies as viewing may be problomatic to view on some smaller screened devices
scroll over or touch a region and a blue box will appear with the name of that region of the world
Make your selection and the relative page will open
our collection have been complied by for your enjoyment
your creativity and contributions have been posted by and by gardening enthusiasts from the relative region
press the play button and an introduction video will begin
alternatively, select a video directly from
the playlist located in the top right hand corner of the video
once your chosen video is playing use the controls along the bottom to enhance your selection, including enlarging the video to the full screen
Members with a listing may upload a video for which they own copyright
you will be required to log into a youtube account before you can upload to a playlist
please search for and use instructions supplied by youtube if you are not familiar with the uploading process
Use the relative link below
Should you have any difficulties please send us a message by using the contact form and we will endeavour to assist
Alternatively email us the link to your video and we will complete to upload for you
To go directly to the videos page select either image on this page.